Wednesday, February 08, 2006


It was one of those days - couldn't settle at work so moved from one location to another, tried to finish a report, attempted a walk on the beach at lunch time but it started raining as I stepped outside and I don't have a coat. You know how those days are?

Got home from work and Nicholas was carefully studying each circle of banana on his spoon before eating it. He didn't see me and it was heavenly watching him. Jonty had made a great play house out of a huge box and some cardboard. It has a perfectly pitched roof and a door with a string handle. I thought it needed windows but Nic likes it dark. Let's hope that isn't a life long theme.

So, to cap off an average day, here is a photo that I love. We are slowly replacing old plants with new and the agapanthus are great for erosion prevention. I love them because they look ordinary and become wallpaper around the city gardens but if you look really close there is so much more to see.

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