Friday, January 22, 2010


It is really hard to get excited about a week under canvas when you are packing the car in the bloody rain.  Just can't get myself excited about the whole thing.  No Totaranui this year so the sun is not a sure thing.  Lake Rotoiti will be lovely but not so much if the sun ain't shining.  As I am finishing the clothes packing I have American Idol on and I just want to say WHAT THE F%&* is VICTORIA BECKHAM doing on the show?
1.  She can't sing
2.  She is really thick/vacuous/dense
3.  She is too thin and makes my eyes hurt
She knows nothing about music....NOTHING.  All she has said all night is 'you look lovely', 'I love your jeans and your hair' DUH!  Honestly, I have never had an opinion about her other than TOO THIN and very very VAIN, however now as you can tell, I have a lot to say about her. 

So, yeah, not around for a week or so.  HAve fun without me.  Ha ha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So agree with you re Victoria .... what do you think Simon ? Nice voice ... nice ... nice - the worst descriptive word in the world !

Hope you have got some good books and the HP mini - enjoy your campin - Gill