Saturday, September 12, 2009

When is a hunger strike not a hunger strike?

While drinking my coffee this morning I was flicking through 'The Press' using Press Display through the library website. I have mentioned this amazing service before....

Anyway, I came across this picture of Tinna Dockerty. I have had some interaction with Tinna 'the community activist' through my role at work but that is not why I am writing this post.

Tinna really believes in her community (Redwood) and is a real advocate. I also have personal connections to Redwood and know people in the photos. However, that is not why I am posting on.

As you can see Tinna is really putting herself out there for this cause, again, admirable. Keith asked Tinna some questions about her hunger strike - I quote

KL: So, how long have you been on a hunger strike for
TD: 6 days

KL: So, are you eating anything at all?
TD: All I am having is vegetables and fruit juiced in a juicer and I am drinking that three or four times a day and I am taking extra vitamins, glucose drinks and energy drinks.

Well, this brings a lot of questions to my mind- a few of them are...
1. When is a hunger strike not a hunger strike? This might read like a diet to some people...although energy drinks are just nasty cans of chemicals and should not be considered food in anyones language.
2. Who decides what a 'hunger strike' actually is and is there a manual?
3. Energy drinks and hunger strike - not sure they should be used in the same sentence

I don't want to appear mean so I will stop now and let you ponder these thoughts. I think I might have a different interpretation of what a hunger strike might be. Perhaps I am a little harsh in this and I know I have little experience in food deprivation so am not really in a position to make any judgement. Interesting though isn't it?


. said...

Pleeeese, there has to be room for a little bit more mean...too funny! I'm hosting book club this month and yep as a working woman it feels a bit of a bind until everyone arrives, the first cork pops and we all talk simultaneously for the first hour and a half before even mentioning a book.
Have a great week, x

Sally said...

Trust me, I have been milking this all weekend but dont want to commit anything to paper so to speak. It is a bit too close to home for me to REALLY have a go. But is hilarious isnt it? Enjoy book group - sounds identical to ours.Great fun.

Serenata said...

Well I'm a long way away, looks like a hunger strike would do her good! LOL, love the post!

Anonymous said...

I know that Tinna Dockerty infact at that time and still does have extreme liver,kindy, heart, brain and other organs that are failing and have problems fucntioning

Anonymous said...

Serenata I would like to say that your comment is unfair and unjust this woman is the mother of 2 mentally handicapped kids (1 of them has extreme food alergies) has coeliac disease and you think it ok to make that comment. here is a tip THINK BEFORE YOU TYPE!

Unknown said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha funny post! Yeah this lady uses her kids for people to feel sorry for her. She gets people to help her, but then she stabs them in the back. This woman is naaty