Sunday, August 10, 2008

Mamma Mia

Today I had the privilege of seeing 'Mamma Mia' with about 100 women as a fundraiser for a friend who is working very hard to beat cancer. The film was hilarious but in the circumstances filled with some bittersweet moments. Nothing like a movie theatre filled with women laughing their heads off for a friend whose shoes we all wish never to be in. I really hope laughter is the best medicine because there was a ton of love and laughter there today. Good luck Julie....and the sun was shining, a welcome relief for everyone after weeks of wet weather.
I can see this film being one of those that is on at Christmas time every year and everyone watches it and remembers the lines.

1 comment:

MtbCat said...

I went to see this too recently and for about a week afterwards could not get the Super Trooper song out of my head.
However it was a fab movie and definitely worth seeing with your girlfriends.