Saturday, September 22, 2012

What a drag

Just heard a really interesting thing on National Radio....'being a woman these days is like being a drag queen'. It was like an epiphany ... young women everywhere with giant false eyelashes, giant tippy shoes, lashes of make up and false nails and giant outlined lips, hair straightened within and inch of its over dyed life. Tits out, tummy out, giant wobbly bum out on a freezing cold day. Where is the self esteem, the allure and the fun? What pressure to look like Gaga on a Monday at the supermarket. I feel so sorry for those young women who think this is how women need to be to be attractive. It is a shame to see them hiding their gorgeous youthful looks trying to look like a drag queen...if only they knew what aging does to those looks that you never get back. Mind you, if it makes them happy... Don't get me wrong, I am all for making the most of your assets, dressing up, hair enhancement and all other gorgeous beauty treatments, it is just about scale and context. Isn't it a shame that it is age that makes us appreciate youth? OMG, I think I have just become a middle aged woman. Funny.


Kakers said...

I can't figure out what would possess a person to want to spend so much time on looking over-the-top. So much more enjoyable things to do with that time! ~Katy

. said...

I KNOW! Actually I am quite enjoying becoming a middle aged woman, it seems to have all the best bits of girl without the angst.
As for paragraphs... odd. I just hit the enter button and that does the trick. however I have notied that if I write a post in word first then copy and paste it into my new post box I like the format even more.
When do you leave for Europe?