Sunday, November 14, 2010

Anniversary weekend

What gorgeous weather we have had this weekend.  Although our memory tell us this is what it is always like, it actually isn't.  I know this because this is the weekend we celebrate our wedding anniversary and eleven years ago this weekend was freezing, really freezing and wet.  When I say celebrate I would have to say, we don't actually celebrate, we acknowledge.  This year, we just had our mates in town so up we scooped the wedding party and off we went to the best Thai restaurant in Christchurch.  Chinwag Eathai is just gorgeous.  Then we wandered down to the Crown Plaza for coffee and cake.  Very tame and friendly evening.  This is what we looked like 11 years ago
...and this is us now...lovely I think.
Thanks for a warm and loving evening everyone


. said...

You haven't changed a bit!!!
Thanks for the book recommendation too, I'll look out for it, x

Sally said...

Hi Jus
Thanks for the kind words (on previous posts too. I hope you enjoy the book.