Sunday, September 28, 2008

Is it called Fluff? No, Bluff

Just back from a whirlwind family adventure in the deep south. Jonty and I went to a family wedding and left Nic at home with a friend and Ruth and Simon. We met up with my folks down there and had a chance to do some tiki touring around the place. It has been about 20 years since I was last there, for Pete's wedding. We took the opportunity to motor down to Riverton Rocks...and I think it might in the summer, and also popped down to Bluff before catching our flight home yesterday. We were talking to Nic explaining that the Bluff was at the end of SH1 and he obviously misheard and thought it was called Fluff....anything but fluff I would say. Anyway, here are a few pics of the touring bits of the weekend and I will post the wedding photos later.

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