Sunday, May 20, 2012

Libraries 1, Internet Nil

As a librarian I often find myself arguing against the mighty internet as the font of all knowledge.  Apparently you can find everything you need by typing in questions or statements into a search box.  If you are lucky you might find the answer to a simple most people are quite simple in their information needs, this is probably correct most of the time.  However, when you are a child looking for information that requires thought and research you can come across some utter inane bullshit.  Let's go to this website and find out if the Kiwi (bird) has been introduced to Australia...a recent question in a research project....

According to library.thinkquest the answer is they are a bird of Australia...who knew?
Digging a little deeper I find the Oracle Education Foundation has put together this website, pulling in a whole range of websites.  I for one will never believe anything written on the site.  Unverified, wrong, and very available to anyone who beilves the internet knows everything. 

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