Monday, April 02, 2012

One year, one month and 10 days

Although I have been into the Central library many times since the earthquake and helped remove stuff and grab a few of my own work essentials, today I got to go in and actually start clearing out my very messy office.  The highlights of my morning were
  • finding my Roxy jandles that I have spent all summer looking for
  • getting out my own (empty) filing cabinet
  • my pen holder (the paper cup has just not been doing it for me)
  • and my in-tray
  • lovely little notes and drawings I had around my office from Nic
  • my scale rule
  • my apothecary sniff box
Small but significant treasures
I also took some photos

bit of a mess from the door

Lots of mouldy stuff on the floor...thanks to the only leak int he building

Chsritchurch Cathedral in the back there

Looking down Gloucester

Through to the Square, Anthony Harper and Clarendon Towers

Victoria Square

Looking south down Colombo

1 comment:

jasmine said...

Wow, the view is so different!

Must be utterly bizarre up there.

Hope you are happy and well! xx