Friday, August 19, 2011

A romantic phone call

The other day my father in law phoned me from his home in Australia  (he has never done this) and wanted to tell me a romantic story.  Apparently it is Census year in Austrailia and this brought back a memory to John about how his parents met (about 100 years ago).  His father was delivering census papers in his home town in Canada and lit upon a lovely woman as he did.  He persued her and they became married.  What a gorgeous story. 

After I hung up and wandered off to tell Jonty the story, I remembered that we also met through the Census.  Both of us were Enumerators on the 1981 Census where we met.   Although we socialised and became friends it wasn't until about 18 years later that actually got together.  In all an interesting coincidence and a cute family story. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so cute ! Gill