Saturday, January 26, 2008

once removed

The cousins are in town...2nd cousins twice removed. They are really here for their dad Frank's 70th Birthday celebrations but the very good thing about them all converging on CHC is that we get to spend time with them. Yay. Gill has abley organised the event from the Waiarapa and even managed to pull off the surprise landing of Pete, Lisa and Ciaran from Melbourne, all the while large bellied with child. Impressive.
(Andrew Stewart 2008)

Off to Raspberry Cafe for lunch today. Hopefully there will be something to report by the end of the day or AT LEAST some pics to add to the album. Although the camera hovered last night, no actual photos were taken. However, beers were drunk and Hell pizza consumed. Lots of stories and catch ups. Plus promises of travel and adventures to come. Looking forward of more of the same today.
Just remembered that it was a scant 6 days ago that my lovely cousin Margi and Michael were in town and joined the family for a bbq on the back lawn. It has been a lovely family time over the last few weeks. I can't really get enough of my cousins. Seems that the older I get,the more I want to see them and spend time with them. Plenty of time left I guess.

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